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Layoffs tracker
If you happen to be hiring, looking to meet great talent, or searching for job opportunities, check out this layoffs tracker. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Final Call! Take
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Zoom: Quick reminder
We've got almost 500 responses so far. I'd like to break my previous record of getting 731 responses from my product/market research about Slack... We've got almost 500 responses so far. I
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How to thrive in an unknowable future
How to thrive in the future: Expect disaster, prepare for the worst, own as little as possible, choose opportunity over loyalty, and avoid planning. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's
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What do you think about Zoom?
I've never seen a product grow this fast. Zoom has more than 20x-ed growth in a quarter. Not just that, the breadth of users is incredibly wide... I've never seen a product grow this fast. Zoom
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Five levels of distributed work
Most companies fall between the extremes of "Level Zero" and "Level Five" when it comes to distributed work. Where does your business live? The Weekly Habit from
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This isn’t regular remote work
Remote work is one of my absolute favorite things. I've been doing it for 17 years and I love it. But working remotely during the pandemic has been… Remote work is one of my absolute favorite
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Day in the life of a remote worker
My FYI co-founder Marie Prokopets is giving you an inside look into her day as a remote worker. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Day in the Life of a Remote Worker My FYI co-
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700 of the best YC articles in one place
Check out this useful go-to resource of more than 700 Y Combinator articles and videos about what it takes to build a successful startup. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick My
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How are you doing?
I know a lot is going on right now. Are you okay? I've got nothing to pitch. I'm just here to listen. Feel free to vent, I won't share anything. I know there's a lot going on right now.
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Tips on isolation from someone who spent a year in space
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year in space. Here is his advice for maintaining a sense of normalcy in an abnormal time. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick I Spent a Year in
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5 Habits to Building Better Products Faster
Download the 5 Habits to Build Better Products Faster ebook from Product Habits. Your product team needs these habits to grow the business faster. Click here to download the ebook! Bonus: Building
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Why remote work won’t go away
At the end of 2019, I thought that remote work had lost steam.After all, remote work was all the rage for most of the year and I figured people were At the end of 2019, I thought that remote work had
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How Pinterest supercharged its growth team
Pinterest changed the structure of its growth team. Would it benefit your team to integrate a similar process? The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick What We Still Have to Figure Out
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Got tips on collaborating?
For most of us, half our waking hours are spent at work. We spend the majority of this time collaborating with each other in one way or another... For most of us, half our waking hours are spent at
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Focus less on frameworks
Most startups focus too much on the frameworks, and not nearly enough on the inputs. Here's my advice for how you can change that. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Great
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How does it feel to get everything you ever wanted?
The overwhelming majority of us focus on external accomplishments hoping they will make us happy. But I've found it works the other way. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick How
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Should we do this?
Lately we've been seriously thinking about how to communicate product updates at FYI. There's been a trend in recent years of companies sharing... Lately we've been seriously thinking about
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Three tools Netflix used to build a world-class brand
Here are three simple yet powerful tools that helped turn Netflix into an enduring brand—and can help your business do the same. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Building
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Product’s holy grail?
People really love changelogs, here's a few of the replies that I got last week... People really love changelogs, here are a few of the replies that I got last week: "I'm a big fan of the
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I changed my mind about changelogs
I initially thought a changelog was a great approach to product marketing. Especially when you are in early stages of development and you need to... I initially thought a changelog was a great approach